Money Saved In 2010

Monday, April 30, 2007

Just stuff

yep..Melinda, I took your title..but just for the day! lol

Mother-in-law started chemo today. We talked to her tonight. I guess she is kind of having a they had to slow it down & give her benadryl & I guess do IV sedation. So, she is now looking @ Fri before she can go home. And one of the nurses told her today that 2 weeks from now she will lose her hair.

I"m on Day 8 in the Bible study book. I love it! I didnt do great today..did take my Vit C, got the reading done, started memorizing the scripture & got 20 minutes of walking in...didn't get to the lemon water, or any water for that matter..didn't get to eating 2 eggs...I forget what else there was...I know I need to get new walking shoes..but right now I have an infection in my toe so it will have to wait. Also, am to find a walking partner.I figure the little ones are my walking partners! lol

The verse for today & 4 days after is Pslam 62:1-2

My soul finds rest in God alone: my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation: he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.


Melinda said...

Sorry to hear about Steph. I will be praying for her.

I would volunteer to be your walking buddy, but I think we are supposed ot walk together. LOL Where can I find this book you are reading?

Shannon P. said...

I hope you're loving this book as much as I am Daphne! :-) It's great your blogging about it. I hope we can encourage each other to keep moving forward...

I'm praying about your toe!