Money Saved In 2010

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tis the be emotional

The 4 kiddos left this morning to go to their dad's. Dale & I went to K-Mart to do grocery & Christmas shopping. We had just started ( was filling our water jugs) and having a "normal" conversation..not about kids..just catching up with each other...when I hear something & I look up to see what it is. Here comes a man ( I'm guessing "grandpa") pushing a cart with a little girl in it ( Dale thinks she wasn't more than 2) The little one gets so excited telling "Grandpa" that there is "Mommy" ( she's pointing to me) then her face falls just a tad but keeps jabbering how I look like Mommy...and then whispers, "But does she know where my Daddy is?" When she started jabbering about me being "mommy" the man's face got like I know mine does when I just want to move on with the little guys & he just nodded & you can tell he was trying to get away from us. I smiled @ her & waved a little & as soon as she turned the corner I absolutely fell apart into Dale's arms! sigh..a whole generation being raised that are looking into stranger's faces trying to find their parents! I was just heart-broken!!

Just thought I would share, and ask..what makes you emotional this time of year?


cajunquilter said...

oh the poor little thing. I hear you on so many children being raised by other family members. it is really sad for the children. Some are lucky though they have family willing to step in the gap and do it, so many end up in foster care cause no one is willing to do it.

What makes me most emotional this time of year is thinking how much my mom would enjoy spending time with the little guys. She would have so much fun with Colin!

Happywife84 said...

Awhh! How are the kids doing?

cajunquilter said...

the boys are both doing well. colin keeps us all on our toes lol.

FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh Daphne.. I'm so so sorry that you had to deal with that... :(...
Today's society is not taught to take care of their responsibilites... and parenting is just one of them... It's so sad...
People find it so easy to walk away from their children.. and I just don't know how they can.... :(